Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Third Day of Class

Today I got two more bags of medications that I need to find room to pack.  It is so strange to me to have to go through immunizations and several rounds of antibiotics all before I go.  They even tell me that I need to go to the store and pick up a few more over the counter medications.  My bag is filled with meds.

We went through security clearance and had to sit through videos and pictures of "what could happen to you if you are not vigilant on staying safe".  Yeah, it made me soooooo sick.  Nothing like watching people get blown up by car bombs, IED's, etc.  They even showed what the shrapenal - bolts and nails put in the bombs - can do.  I am getting all woozy just thinking about it.

I made a date with the girls in class to go out to dinner tonight.  It is after 6 and I have yet to hear from them.  Hopefully I will be able to hold out a bit longer for them to get out of class.  My classes end early, if you consider 11 hour days early.  I am spending my evenings on certification classes that need to be complete before I deploy.  Today I did my Human Trafficing and Afghanistan/Taliban certifications.  There is some really scary stuff that goes on in the world that we rarely hear about.  Hundreds of thousands of woman and children are kidnapped every year and sold around the world in to slavery and sex slavery.  I knew it existed but never thought it was that bad.  I was trained on how to protect myself as well as spot certain activity to report to authorities to protect others.  While they are only classes on-line, they are very informative and really keep me as an active reader.

I am exhausted as usual.  I have about 6 more hours of certifications to complete so I had better get at them.

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