I have been asked to put together a bunch of graphs to show our progress. This includes ALL of our work and not just mine. I am up for the challenge but it sure is a challenge. I have no idea how to present all of the data and what exactly they are looking for. I need to paint a picture of everything these operations are doing to show that we desperately need help. Hopefully I can come up with something good.
Yesterday I had a chat on sametime with another employee about business. Then it changed to a bit more personal and he stated that he remembered me from way back when I was working for the company in CA. He recalled all of the help I had given him over the past 10 years and he could never forget me for everything I have done for him and other employees. That made me feel really great to know that I truly have accomplished something - and something good. It makes it all seem worth it just to hear things like that.
This is a picture outside I took after watching this guy hoe this entire space with one little tiny spoon. It is about 110 degrees out and he is fully covered. There is nobody else helping him. I see this all the time and it just makes my heart hurt for the laborers here. They work so hard with no proper equipment for pennies.
This is the dinner I had one night from the restaurant down the street. It is lebanese and actually really good. They give too much food but it is all very healthy other than the french fries. Lebanese food always comest with a big plate of vegetables, olives and pickles. I don't like the pickles here at all. They are way too salty.
I took this picture at the hospital when I went there to visit the operations. On the female ward, they decorate the outside of the doors since nobody is allowed inside - especially men. It was really cool to see and I thought it was a great idea. It tells everyone that walks in to the woman's ward which one had a baby and if it was a boy or a girl. Also, see how neat and clean it is - and very private/quiet too!
I carry my camera with me now so hopefully I will be able to share more pictures with you soon! Time to start getting ready for work...
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