Thursday, August 18, 2011

Two great days in a row

I thought this Lupron was going to make me a little nutty but I am actually doing okay on it.  I still have the slight headache.  And the last two days I have developed cramping in my feet.  I upped my potassium and bought bananas to help with that.  I have two days left on the Pill and then I go to straight Lupron for about a week.  The nurse said I might have a period at that time.  I will be surprised if I do, but lets hope for one! 

It sounds strange, but I actually miss my periods.  I know, I know - you are thinking I am crazy.  I may have 2 periods a year now, if I am lucky.  And that is with help.  A monthly period to me means an egg dropped.  How I wish I had an egg to drop.

I have been in a great mood for two days.  I think it is because I had a pep talk with myself Tuesday night.  I woke up Wednesday knowing it would be a good day - and it was more than I could have hoped for.  I received three pieces of news at work: 1. We just landed a 67 million dollar contract starting next month.  This is great news since we have not had ANY work all year.  2. One of my audits came back and I can finally file with the IRS.  One down, two to go!!!  3.  An issue with our parent company was cleared up in my favor.  I love days like this!

While searching one of the IVF forums, I found two other people who write blogs about IVF.  I love reading them and am fascinated with the story of one since her attitude closely resembles mine.  She is very positive and was already determined that she was going to have a family.  If IVF did not work, they would adopt.  Kirk and I feel the same way.  No matter what, we WILL have a family.  It is just a matter of how we become that family.  It is truly in God's hands.  He knows best.  Luckily, after many attempts she finally got pregnant.  She has been blessed with twins that are due in three months.  I am so excited for her and it gives me hope!

Now for a random thought.  I think my husband has been secretly teaching our Bailey boy to hate all trucks but Fords.  I was walking the dogs yesterday afternoon and Bailey kept looking at this big Dodge truck in the parking lot.  He tried to veer me in its direction, but I did not budge.  Finally after about 5 attempts to get to the truck, I finally gave in just because I was curious as to why he wanted to be near this truck so bad.  He did nothing but walk up to it, sniff the bumper and then lifted his leg to relieve himself all over it.  I actually had to look around to make sure nobody was watching - I was so embarrassed.  It reminded me of the time he peed all over the man at the dog park and we had to do the walk of shame out of the park never to return again.

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