Thursday, June 17, 2010

Kirk in June

Kirk arrived 24 hours ago.  I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am to have him here.  Of course, our plans have changed significantly in the past month on what we are going to do.  We are now planing a July wedding in New York City.  Right now it will be at the City Hall, but we have some other things we are thinking about too.

New York is an easy flight in and out for us.  We were having a hard time getting married outside the US so we are happy to head closer to home just to make sure we are legal in Dubai.  Since we are trying to do the right thing, Kirk is living in a hotel right now for the next month.  He will not move in to the apartment until we are married.  This will cost us extra money, but it will keep us out of trouble and out of Jail.  They say there are a lot of couples living here that are not married, but I just don't want to take that chance.  Plus we enforce the laws and company policy on our employees - I need to stand by what I say to others and abide by the same.  We get to spend a little bit of time together each day and that is much better than not seeing each other at all.  I am happy to have him here!

When I picked him up from the airport yesterday I went to go touch his arm because I was so excited to see him.  In the UAE it is offensive for a man to touch a woman in any way in public.  And if we showed any kind of affection for each other we could be arrested and thrown in jail for 3 months.  We have to watch ourselves really well here.  I am so used to holding his hand and being close to him.  Once we got in to his hotel room to drop off his stuff, he burried me in his arms and we just hugged for what seemed like hours.  It was such a nice feeling.

Kirk will get a bit more acclimated here and get over his jet lag before he starts job hunting.  He will start aggressively on Monday.  Until then, we will spend what time we can together.  It has been almost 4 months since we had seen each other.  It is almost like we are starting to date all over again.  I am glad I get to experience that again with him.

A couple of days before Kirk arrived I received another care package from my mom.  It contained my big pink fuzzy blanket, my pillow, hair dye and some shirts I bought online.  I slept on my pillow for the second time and boy did I miss it!  That is the best pillow EVER!!!!

Working the night shift is so different.  I am the only one in the office for most of my 12 hour shift.  So it is quiet and I get a lot done. However, it is also so very boring.  On nights when it is slow I feel like I am going to fall asleep.  I drink a lot of tea or coffee to keep myself awake.  I also try to pace out my work load so that I don't have to worry about too many long breaks that would tempt me to wander over to the comfy couch and doze off.  I don't plan on ever sleeping on my shift but I know the others before me and the others at the other locations do.  I think there should be two people on this shift in each location to hold each person accountable for staying awake!  Ahhh but two people means half the work load and way too much time on my hands!  I will stick to just one of me thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Michelle, I see that you are home now? Are you going back to Texas, California or back to Dubai?
