Monday, June 7, 2010

Too many lessons

The past few weeks have been very tough for me.  I have had to learn some hard lessons and really had to humble myself.  I hit 10 years with the company I work for yet it seems that the past few months I have been working for a different company.  The two divisions are NOT the same - in any aspect except the main name.  If I could, I would go back to the other division in a heart beat.  But I am here so I need to make the best of it.

I have given up (willingly) my previous duties and I will now be working in a different capacity.  I say willingly because I am relieved to be out from under it - but it was actually taken from me.  I am sure glad they did because I was drowning and couldn't keep up. It is bitter sweet.  I now have to concentrate and do my best in my new role.  This new role will bring me to working nights for a while.  I will pretty much be back on USA time.

My biggest and bestest care package will be heading my way in less than 10 days.  Kirk is coming to live with me here!  He leaves Jun 15 and will arrive Jun 16 in the evening.  I am so excited and it will take a lot of the stress off my shoulders.  I can finally relax and know that everything will be alright.  As long as we have each other to lean on, life will be grand.  I am incredibly grateful that he is willing to give up everything to be with me.  I will return the favor once my year here is up.

Since Kirk is coming out early, we will be married as soon as possible.  We have decided to give up Greece for now as it is just not financially smart for us to spend that kind of money right now.  Plus Greece is in much turmoil and looks like a civil war may break out soon.  We are going to look in to going to Thailand for a week and then spend the rest of our vacation here in Dubai or in the surrounding areas.  Of course all is up in the air right now and I will know more once he gets out here and we can plan a little better.

Kirks main priority, besides come here with me, will be to find a job.  He is looking at working in Asia and making Dubai his home base.  We will see what all pans out once he can spend some time looking around here and putting his resume in.  His job is one that is very specialized and in high demand so it should be very easy for him to find something.

Tonight I had some free time so I actually got out to see some sites.  I went over to the Irish Village for Dinner.  There are several restaurants that surround the Dubai tennis stadium.  It was very peaceful and I settled on Sushi.  It was okay, but I really enjoyed the relaxing atmosphere.  Next time I go, I will take some pictures.

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