This is Sissy. She has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. You really can't tell in the picture, but they look like deep emeralds - and they almost glow they are so rich. She also has the loudest meow I and talks non-stop. As you can see here, she is talking to me. If you look closely, she is missing all the teeth on the lower right side of her jaw. I am not sure how it happened, but I can imagine she was probably kicked and abused. She is very friendly, but still has a wild side to her and we can't pet her for very long.
This is Jersey. He looks seriously mean but he is the sweetest of the two. Jersey does not have a voice and he tries really hard to meow but only looks like he is hissing at you. He is the one that had the mangled leg a few weeks ago. You can see it in the picture a little, but this was taken after it started healing quite nicely. With all of the nutrition he gets I am sure it boosted his immune system so he could heal better. I am happy to say he is walking around now and is getting fat and sassy. He is such a lover. If he could, he would be touching me all day long or sitting in my lap just purring away. When I am outside and don't pay attention to him (sometimes I have to do that otherwise he will follow me right in to the building or the subway) he will lay on my feet like he owns me. I think he might have a home soon. There is an Indian lady in the building that told one of the other guys that works for a different company that she would take him but she has a female cat and she can't afford to have them fixed. He has kindly offered to pay for both cats to be fixed so she can take him in. As for Sissy, we still need to find her a home.
Something strange about Dubai: The people here HATE cats and dogs as pets. They think they are filthy animals and the people that own them or touch them are just as worthless. However, showing off how much money you have (or don't have) is very big here. So, the ones that really want to show their wealth will buy exotic and endangered animals and then proudly display them for everyone to see - as their pets. This is a very sad situation. I have seen a black panther with is claws ripped out and his teeth filed down to nubs riding in the back of an Astin Martin. One of the ladies that feeds the cats has seen a baby monkey forced to ride on the rear view mirror of a mercedes going down the freeway. These people are cruel and heartless. I really with the government here would crack down on such abuse.
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