Tuesday, April 6, 2010

of course, more pics

View from the roof of my apartment building at night.  It is midnight and the city is still in full swing.  Right next to our apartments they are building a high-rise and the workers are still hard at it.  I think they work around the clock.

I have read articles on the "slave" labor here.  I definitely see a the difference in class structure and it is disheartening.  I believe there is a high amount of human trafficing as well.  I don't even know what to say about it right now since I have never really experienced such a tragedy.

I have two stray male cats that I help take care of that hang around the office.  One of them has the prettiest eyes I have ever seen.  I hope to take pictures of them soon.  The other one doesn't have much of a voice and as of yesterday he has a mangled leg.  I am not sure what happened to him but he is in so much pain.  I tried to find a vet, but they are few and far between here.  I would have to wait until I get a car before I venture out to find them.  Otherwise I would have not hesitated to take him right away.  For now a bunch of us are feeding them very healthy food and trying to get them healthy.  I am very happy to see that I am not the only one caring for them.  This country is not a pet friendly country.  Most do not have pets and they consider them very disgusting animals.  If you pet one, the locals won't come near you thinking your are now dirty.

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