Thursday, September 1, 2011

Expenses, Expenses

A lot of what I read on the forums is about how much it costs for the different types of IVF.  There are so many different types, depending on what someone needs.  Ours requires an Egg Donor (my personal angel) so our expenses are a bit higher than someone that is using their own eggs. 

I just received a call from my finance lady at the doctor's office.  It is that time again where I have to open up my wallet.  I am not complaining.  I am used to it and we have spent so much by now I am not even sure if I have an accurate figure in my head.  I actually get excited when they call me because it means we are that much closer to the "big day".  A few weeks ago they called for payment on my Donors medications.  Today I actually paid the Donor for her "services"  and also for her medical insurance. 

This is a bit early for payment to the donor.  So I can only presume one thing - she is moving along faster than they expected.  If this is the case, we may have our "big day" sooner!!!

Only 18 days left for the implants - and then comes the hardest part...The two week wait (2WW).  That is where I wait anxiously for two whole weeks before I found out if the embryo's took and I am pregnant!

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