Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Retrieval Day!

I have been a nervous reck all day!  It is late afternoon and I still have not heard from the nurse.  At 3:30 pm I got tired of waiting so I called but was only able to leave a message. 

Yesterday I got a song stuck in my head and it is still there today.  It kind of cheers me up so I guess it is not all that bad!  "Come on and ease on down, ease on down, ease on down the road - Don't you carry nothing that might be a load - come on and ease on down the road!!!".  I think it is from The Wiz (is that the name?) the remake of The Wizard Of OZ with Michael Jackson.  How is it that the last two songs that have been in my head are related to Michael Jackson?  So strange since I never really listened to him.

Our Sadie is doing great from her surgery.  She came home all stitched up - she had a mole and a tumor removed from her neck, and two tumors removed from her shoulders.  Plus she had a tooth pulled and has stitches in her mouth.  Poor baby girl!  They also found with the xray that she has a small murmur and one side of her heart is enlarged.  But it is not bad enough to put her on medication yet.  They just said we need to monitor it at least once a year.  She is very active now and doing just fine.  The doc said she could go back to eating regular food right away but I disagree.  I have her on soft canned food until those stitches disolve in her mouth.  I don't want anything to bother her gums or create any infections.

The nurse just called me back... they retrieved 27 eggies!!!  WOW.  But the big warning is that large numbers means there will be many that are not mature.  So I am still hoping for around 10 good ones!!!  The nurse was a bit surprised that I asked about the donor to make sure she was alright from the proceedure. She is doing just fine - and I am sure happy to be done with this!  LOL

1 comment:

  1. That's great news! I am sure that you will get alot to work with! Glad your pup is ok too.
