Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Visit to Michigan

I went to Michigan to visit family - mostly my Grandma since she is not doing so well.  I wanted to spend as much time with her as I possibly could.  It was a very nice trip with only a few minor setbacks.  It is always hard to see your Gma in a condition like that, but she is better than I thought she would be.  She remembered me most of the time and she stayed up everyday when I thought she would sleep the day away.  We had some good quality time together. 

On my return, Kirk picked me up from the airport.  It was soooooo nice to see him!  It had been over a month since I last got to give my husband a big hug and kiss!  We had a wonderful evening and it looks like I get to keep him for at least one more day!

I am now on two pills of estrogen a day and of course all of the other stuff.  By the end of this week I will be up to three pills a day.  And yes, the pounds are starting to pack on.  Kirk had a lovely way of putting it - Gotta have insulation for that oven!  Ha... glad it amuses him.  Makes me happy that he loves me no matter what I look like.  I just hope it is easy to take off once all is said and done. 

The doc called on Friday - our donor is moving along nicely.  Right now they see about 15 follicles.  It could change between now and her surgery date (Sept 14th).  I probably won't receive any more updates on her until the big day.  She seems to be right on schedule so it probably won't be sooner.  Then we have the 3-5 day wait for me before my big day!  Woohooo!  Roughly 12 days left!!!  It really is flying by!!!  Keep us in your prayers!

While at the airport, I heard a woman talking about a really good book - so I picked it up.  It is called "The Help" and was made into a movie that I think is out in theatres now.  From page one I was hooked and I did not put it down the whole flight home.  I am going to stop myself from reading it so that I can read it during my two week wait - That way I have my mind on other things than the agony of the 2WW!!!

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