Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Been a while

Can't believe how long it has been since I have been on here.  For a while my priorities changed.  My life seemed to go in a different direction.  We have big plans in the works, but no baby news.  Unfortunately that is still on hold - at least for another month.

Sadly, in today's headlines, there was an article that stated that infertile woman who want to have children are more likely to become alcoholics or have a mental disorder.  It hurts to hear such news, but knowing what those of us go through I'll admit it is very probable. 

It seems everyone around me is having babies right now.  An old friend of mine that I can only keep up with on her blog just had a baby girl, two woman at work (one baby boy born yesterday), our good friends J&M and our new lovely neighbors are both 6 1/2 months pregnant.  We are surrounded and I actually don't mind it.  Yes, I am a bit envious.  But at the same time I have to remember that God has a plan for me and a baby might not be in my future.  I might be chosen to do something as equally great or maybe even better. 

In fact, I think I am already doing wonderful things in this world.  I can look back and see how many lives I have either saved or helped save over my years on this Earth.  I don't know if I have saved any human lives by my actions, but I sure have saved a lot of dogs, cats, turtles, birds, mice, etc.  I am hoping to take that into my future and continue to build on it.  I have way too much emotion and I can at least channel it into something good.

I am happy to say I am fortunate that I will not be an alcoholic or end up in the luney bin.  Yes, I can have anxiety every now and then but who doesn't?!  My heart truly goes out to those that suffer over not having a child.  I hope they can find that one thing that is greater than that. 

So now let me catch you up on the life that is Lellock.  We moved into the rental house in Missouri City and didn't last 5 months there.  Long story that is now a legal matter and will catch you up when all is said and done.  So...we purchased our first house together.  It is a great house and big enough for a huge family.  So what does Kirk want to do - fill it up with puppies!!!  Enter new addition to our family - Kirby- Catahoula Mix.  He is a rescue pup from the pound.  He was 10 weeks old when we got him and he will be about 70 pounds full grown.  Kirby is no doubt the smartest dog I have ever seen.  He had Kirk wrapped around his little paw on day 1.  It took Bailey a while to warm up to having another boy dog in the house, but now they play constantly.  Sadie on the other hand literally thought it was the end of the world.  She was so depressed for about a month.  She now tolerates him, but God forbid she gives him the time of day.  And of course that makes baby Kirby all the more interested in her.  I think we will have a never ending battle on that front.