Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Spoiled - almost rotten

I complain about the way my husband, Kirk, spoils our two doggie kiddos Bailey and Sadie.  When he is home we go through dog food and treats like there is no tomorrow.  I stock the pantry full of treats that should last a few months.  I want to give them variety.  Well, when Kirk is home, those treats last just over two weeks.  When our 80 pound pooch has 4 gigantic poops a day - you know you are feeding them too much.  Kirk says that it is because he does not get to see them very much and he has a right to spoil them.  I will give him that, but he already spoils them with so much love, the treats are an added bonus.  When he comes home, the three of them are stuck together like Velcro for at least 24 hours.

The truth is, he spoils all of us when he is home.  I think I get the better end of the deal, though he feeds me too much too. Hahaha.  He cooks all of our meals and even cleans the kitchen afterwards.  He places the food on our plate to mimic a fancy chef, just to show off his culinary skills and to make me feel like I am so important that only the best should be given to me.  He cleans the house, washes clothes, does the shopping, etc.  When I come home from work I get a big hug and kiss and he tells me how much he misses me and loves me.  On weekends, we hang with nature most of the time.  We go on bike rides, walks, hikes and swim.  Even though I am not working on the weekends, he still lets me slack a little bit.  But by then I feel so thankful and loved, that I want to clean the house and do special things just because I want to give him a break and make him feel special. 

I have three love notes sitting on my desk at work that he wrote and snuck in to my lunch bag.  I have many more at home scattered around the house.  All of them tell me I am beautiful and very much loved. 

Obviously we have our problems just like other couples do.  But I can honestly say, I am a very lucky woman.  Bailey, Sadie and I won the lottery when it comes to Kirk.  I am very lucky to have found a man that loves Bailey and Sadie as much as I do and takes such good care of us.  I love him so much and miss him when he goes off to work.  He leaves tomorrow for a big job and won't be home for almost 2 months.  I am already sad just preparing for his departure.

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